Congratulations Maripolass for becoming the new bureaucrat.
We, as the community, will vote for users to promote themselves, for more admins and moderators.
And for those you who don't know what the hell happened, this was because my friends Xsizter, Rapmilo & me, myself, have decided to retire our jobs at LD wikia.
I am giving 2 final spots for contributors.
Vote for one of these guys if you think, they can replace me (Khairiboss0601)? This will allow the user become a bureaucrat.
<form action="#" method="post" id="axPollBFCEB9A4460D3D36501E94118DCA0A0D"><input type="hidden" name="wpPollId" value="BFCEB9A4460D3D36501E94118DCA0A0D">
The poll was created at 23:21 on March 2, 2017, and so far 15 people voted.
Poll is closed now. Enjoy the results. </form>
Vote for one of these guys, if you think, they can replace ? This will allow the user become an admin and at the same time, content moderator.
<form action="#" method="post" id="axPollBC242FF036F0031337BEAB14D56C1DE8"><input type="hidden" name="wpPollId" value="BC242FF036F0031337BEAB14D56C1DE8">
The poll was created at 23:21 on March 2, 2017, and so far 13 people voted.
Poll is closed now. Enjoy the results. </form>
Well, then, time to vote. Tick tock.
And decide when will it end. The current admins will decide.