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Fun and Games
I'm looking for a file that contains the entire Lego Dimensions Sound Effects file from a Zip folder online? I have been struggling to file all of the sound effects from the game itself. There is in fact a dialoge section of Lego Dimensions under:
But it doesn't have the sound effects file for it. Does anyone where I can find one online or if anyone could email me a Zip folder consisting of the Lego Dimensions Sound Effects (and perhaps have one with all the sound effects named be any chance)? Some one at least respond back to me.
Sighn up as anyone! (Up to 3 characters per person)
From Ralf Wiggum to The Mayor of Townsville from E.T. to Fern
Feel free to be anyone!
Jaymancool is Lego Batman
Darkmen759 is Sonic the Hedgehog
JaJaLoo is Beast Boy, Sloth, Robin (The Lego Batman Movie)
Trailblazer101 is Gizmo, The Flash, Lord Voldemort, and Lord Vortech
Wave9Nut is The Mayor of Townsville
MariposaLass93 is Scooby-Doo, Harry Potter, Blossom
Mr.Invisible is Saruman, Chaos, Brain Gremlin
Ininjago is Fern
(This will be continually edited to update all sign ups first come first serve. One can be up to 3 charactersper person.)
my idea for an injustice 2 level pack is that we get 1 character who is playable in injustice 2 and a level that based one of the chapters in the story mode of Injustice an example: a the level pack with the flash wich based on thev 4th chapter and you must run across metropolis and defeat deadshot,captain cold reverse flash.the Injustice 2 version of metropolis would also be the adventure would where you can find and fight against brainiac (like goozer from ghostbusters) and with quest giving characters like gorilla grodd,doctor fate and black canary.
In Respective Dimensions:The Angry Birds Movie Red: Jason Sudekis Chuck: Josh Gad Bomb: Danny Mc Bride Matilda:Maya Rudolph Stella Kate McKinnon Leonard:Bill Hader The Blues: N/A Galaxy Squad: Galaxy Red Man: Dee Bradley Baker Galaxy Green Man:??? Galaxy Blue Man:??? TMNT: Leonardo: Seth Green Rafael: Sean Astin Donatello: Rob Paulsen Michelangelo: Greg Cipes Splinter: Hoon Lee April O Neil: Mae Whitman Shredder: Kevin Michael Richarson Casey Jones: Josh Peck Indiana Jones (Theme) Indiana Jones:Harrison Ford Irina Spalko: Cate Blanchett
I'm bored. Really bored. So I did this. A blog post that allows you to freely create and share LD pack ideas that are impossible (Super Mario, Salad Fingers, etc.), disconfirmed (Star Wars maybe, Marvel maybe, etc.) or joke-based (Memes, Mall Cop, etc.). This is what happens when I am bored. Come on, y'all, say your impossible ideas!
I've chosen to start a line of contests between playable characters in the game. This contest is to decide who is the best wizard/witch. The candidates are Gandalf, Wicked Witch, Harry Potter, Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Hermione Granger, or Lord Voldemort. Vote in the comments below.
Gandalf: 2
Wicked Witch: 1
Wizard of Oz: 1
Harry Potter: 2
Newt Scamander: 0
Tina Goldstein: 0
Queenie Goldstein: 0
Hermione Granger: 1
Lord Voldemort: 3
I decided to use it in LEGO Dimensions Customs Community Wikia.
He could use short legs (like Bart Simpson) and this design from Enchanted Castle and Sega All-Stars Racing.
I made his Quotes, Vehicle and Abilities in this thread: Thread:28554 at Reply #12.
What Franchises, Types of Packs, Game Mechanics and such would you like to see in Year 3?
Since Sonic Level Pack came out, I decided that LEGO and SEGA communities would unite for this one together with their own ideas.
You can use any classic or modern SEGA character on this thread (except Sonic characters due to they being already appeared on Dimensions.)
My example is Bayonetta:
- Acrobatics
- Animal Transformation
- Panther
- Digging
- Super Speed
- Crow
- Flight
- Snake
- Underwater Swimming
- Panther
- Weapon Switch
- Target (Love is Blue)
- Grapple (Alruna)
- Silver LEGO Blowup (Lt. Col. Kilgore)
- Witch Time (Exclusive ability; Can temporarily slow down time to solve puzzles that require this ability.)
- "Somebody call for a witch?" - Bayonetta's first line when entering the game
- "Excellent. Now, shall we begin?" - Bayonetta's second line when entering the game
- "Oh, you've got no idea what you're getting into." - Bayonetta's third line when entering the game
- "I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got work to do." - Bayonetta's first line when leaving the game
- "Very well... I can take a hint." - Bayonetta's second line when leaving the game
- "Just call me whenever you need help again, won't you darling?" - Bayonetta's third line when leaving the game
- "Wherever I'm going, I hope there's fun to be had!" - Bayonetta's first line in the Vortex
- "These things are actually rather charming, when you get used to it." - Bayonetta's second line in the Vortex
- "Now that's no way to treat a lady." - Bayonetta's line when respawning
- "If this has anything to do with those Sages, then it's of no use to me." - Bayonetta when getting a collectible
- "It's not healthy to always be so tense, darling. Why not come out of the shadows?" - Bayonetta when seeing Batman
- "Gold, light powers... You're not fooling me, Sage." - Bayonetta when seeing Lloyd
- "Oh, calm your nerves, I'm not going to hurt you. Unless you want me to, of course." - Bayonetta when seeing Shaggy
- "Now yours is a face only a mother could love... Maybe not even that..." - Bayonetta when seeing Slimer
- "You have got to be the most unique thing I've ever experienced..." - Bayonetta when seeing Unikitty
- "Whatever clan you're from, I'm certainly glad I'm not a part of it." - Bayonetta when seeing The Wicked Witch
- "Ghosts? Pshah. Try hunting angels for a living." - Bayonetta when seeing any of the Ghostbusters
- "I heard so much about you, the blue hedgehog. Want to be friends with me?" - Bayonetta when seeing Sonic the Hedgehog
- "Meh, I've seen bigger." - Bayonetta when seeing a Big-Fig or when riding a mech
- "Well, at least it's not a cockroach... Or a crying baby cockroach..." - Bayonetta when riding Queen Shelob
- "Nice and sleek... Love the colors." - Bayonetta when riding the Batmobile
- "Ugh... How gaudy..." - Bayonetta when riding the Mystery Machine or the Ecto-1
- "Time to go vroom!" - Bayonetta when riding any bike
- Umbra Armor: The mech that Bayonetta pilots from the prologue of Bayonetta 2. Uses Super Strength and Accelerator Switches.
- Rebuild 1 - Soaring Umbra Armor: Converts into a hovercraft. Uses Tow Bar and Flight.
- Rebuild 2 - Umbra Cannon: Converts into a cannon. Uses Laser and Silver LEGO Blowup.
Any franchises you guys are looking forward to? Personally, I hope they add Speed Racer
STORY PACKS- Abby Yates, Newt Scamander, Batgirl/Robin
LEVEL PACKS- Finn, Ethan Hunt, Sonic, Sloth, Chase McCain, Blossom
TEAM PACKS- Harry Potter/Voldemort, Jake/LSP, Gizmo/Stripe, Beast Boy/Starfire, Bubbles/Buttercup
FUN PACKS- B.A. Baracus, E.T., Tina Goldstein, Marceline, Michael Knight, Excalibur Batman, Hermione Granger, Raven, Betelguese
I feel like this is our final roster. Any questions? (Will edit as info is found out.)
EDIT: Oops, I forgot Jake/LSP. Thanks, Searingjet.
Which character do you consider the most unique, a character with an amazing ability others don't have, one that seems similar to another character but has notable differences that separate them, or even one that has a vehicle with an ability no one else has.
I'm still hyped for the Sonic the Hedgehog Level Pack. What do you think the Results Screen music will be? I prefer this:
Options - Sonic Generations Music Extended
Hi guys, sorry about the lateness of this post, I've been busy lateley what with college and everything, but I'm here now and today I'm going to open up the sign-ups for Part 3 of our Y2 roleplay. Now remember the samel rules apply here, as with the first two parts, meaning you can only sign up for one character at a time and only if that character dies will you be allowed to sign up for another. The Roleplay will start next wednesday and sign-ups will close on the Tuesday prior, and remember it's first come first serve, so if you want your character back, you have to be quick, anyway here's the roles:
Wonder Woman:
Harley Quinn:
Emmet:WC Sunamaru
Bad Cop:
Sensei Wu:
Marty Mcfly:
Doc Brown:MrFlame101
Homer Simpson:
Bart Simpson:George Hamburger
Krusty the Clown:
Peter Venkman:ISBuckley8
Stay Pufft:
Retro Kid Gamer:Trigger Happy the Gremlin
Owen McGrady:
ACU Troop:
The Doctor:Tim Lemmens
The Wicked Witch:
Finn the Human:
Jake the Dog:
B.A Barracus:Legosupes1234
Harry Potter:
Abby Yates:
Newt Scamander:VesperalLight
Tina Goldstein:
Hermione:The MariposaLass'93'
Ethan Hunt:MilesRS777
Beast Boy:Drumaster
Green Arrow:JDCabrera
Well there we go guys, that's all the character roles, now as I said before, if you want to reprise your role, it's first come first serve, so you have to be quick and please don't complain if someone takes your role. Sign-ups will close next Tuesday have fun!
I FINISHED IT!!!! Based on other projects, and adding a lot of me, i made my own version of Eggman and his Eggmobile. The moustache was the hardest thing, but now i can say that my Sonic figure will have a villain to fight!! I hope that you like it!!!

First pic of the Eggmobile

Another pic of the vehicle

Final pic of the Eggmobile

Eggman figure (with teeth piece for the legs)

Other pic of Eggman

Final pic of Eggman

Eggman on the Eggmobile