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Location information
Name Saturn
Franchise Beetlejuice
Red Bricks 0
Gold Bricks 9
Renovations 3
Quests The Missing Messenger
Races 2

Saturn is a Beetlejuice location featured in LEGO Dimensions. This is based on the real-life planet of the same name which is the 6th planet nearest to the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy.


Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that of Earth. Although it has only one-eighth the average density of Earth, with its larger volume Saturn is just over 95 times more massive. Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture; its astronomical symbol (♄) represents the god's sickle.

Saturn's interior is probably composed of a core of iron-nickel and rock (silicon and oxygen compounds). This core is surrounded by a deep layer of metallic hydrogen, an intermediate layer of liquid hydrogen and liquid helium, and finally outside the Frenkel line a gaseous outer layer. Saturn has a pale yellow hue due to ammonia crystals in its upper atmosphere. Electrical current within the metallic hydrogen layer is thought to give rise to Saturn's planetary magnetic field, which is weaker than Earth's but has a magnetic moment 580 times that of Earth due to Saturn's larger size. Saturn's magnetic field strength is around one-twentieth of Jupiter's. The outer atmosphere is generally bland and lacking in contrast, although long-lived features can appear. Wind speeds on Saturn can reach 1,800 km/h (500 m/s), higher than on Jupiter, but not as high as those on Neptune.

Saturn has a prominent ring system that consists of nine continuous main rings and three discontinuous arcs and that is composed mostly of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust. Sixty-two moons are known to orbit Saturn, of which fifty-three are officially named. This does not include the hundreds of moonlets comprising the rings. Titan, Saturn's largest moon, and the second-largest in the Solar System is larger than the planet Mercury, although less massive, and is the only moon in the Solar System to have a substantial atmosphere.


Saturn appears in the movie as a form of limbo for Sandworms. Adam and Barbara Maitland arrive on Saturn when they try to leave their home via "normal means". The first to do so was Adam, who went to Saturn for a short time and was nearly attacked by a sandworm. Barbara brings him back to Earth, where she tells Adam that he has been gone for 2 hours, which means that time in the afterlife passes slower in contrast to the living world.

Battle Arena[]

Battle in the otherworldly dunes of chaos known only as Saturn. Just be careful, you will have more than just your rivals to look out for in this battle arena. Deadly soul eating sandworms infest this world in every direction hiding beneath the sand.



ved LEGO Dimensions Adventure Worlds
DC Comics World
Gotham CityWayne ManorThe BatcaveArkham AsylumWayne TowerAce ChemicalsGotham CathedralAtlantisMetropolisThe Daily PlanetLexCorpLexCorp Tower
The LEGO Movie World
BricksburgThe Old WestCloud Cuckoo LandMiddle ZealandThe DepthsThe Octan Tower
The Lord of the Rings World
Middle-earthMinas TirithThe ShireMordorThe ArgonathHobbitonRivendellMines of Moria
The Wizard of Oz World
OzEmerald CityThrone RoomMunchkin TownWicked Witch's CastleYellow Brick RoadKansasDorothy's HouseHaunted Forest
Back to the Future World
Hill ValleyHill Valley (1885)Hill Valley (1985)Hill Valley (2015)
Portal 2 World
Aperture Science Enrichment CenterTest Chamber 01Test Chamber 02Test Chamber 03Bring Your Daughter to Work DayWaiting RoomWheat Field
Doctor Who World
London19th Century London21st Century LondonTrenzaloreMarsTelosSkaro3W FacilitySilurian Lair
Ninjago World
Ed & Edna's Scrap N JunkFishing VillageSunken Junk BoatMonastery of SpinjitzuMr Chen's Noodle HouseMaster Chen's ArenaValley of DespairVolcanoSteep Wisdom Tea Shop
The Simpsons World
SpringfieldSpringfield Nuclear Power PlantSpringfield ElementarySpringfield Town HallMr. Burns' MansionKwik-E-MartSir Putt-A-Lot's Merrie Olde Fun CentreKrustylandThe Simpsons' House (742 Evergreen Terrace)Buzz Cola FactorySpringfield GorgeBarney's BowlaramaSleep-Eazy Motel
Legends of Chima World
Land of ChimaLion TemplePhoenix TempleCrocodile SwampOutlandsBeaver VillageSunken Beaver HutsMount CavoraSunken Lion RuinsSunken Crocodile RuinsGorilla VillageSpiral Mountain
Scooby-Doo! World
Haunted HouseLighthouseFairgroundCemeteryLost BeachPirate CaveSunken RuinsSubmarineShipwreck
Jurassic World
Isla NublarHammond Creation LabInnovation CenterMain StreetT. Rex KingdomI-Rex PenMosasaurus Feeding ArenaHigh Security Area
Ghostbusters World
New YorkGhostbusters H.Q.Dana's ApartmentSedgewick HotelStatue of LibertyWKRR-TV StudioMetropolitan Museum of ArtLibraryInstitute for Advanced Theoretical ResearchRay's BookshopSewersNew York UniversityNew York Pneumatic Railroad
Midway Arcade World
Coin-OpArcade PlazaRampage CityThe BadlandsJoust CavernDefender MountainToobin' FallsVindicators FortressSuper Sprint CircuitGauntlet LabyrinthCyberball FieldRobotron Arena720° Skate ParkMarble Madness CoursePaperboy (Location)
Adventure Time World
Land of OooFinn and Jake's TreehousePillow WorldIce KingdomIce King's CastleCandy KingdomFire KingdomMountain ManLumpy SpaceCastle LemongrabCloud KingdomThe Badlands (Adventure Time)The Marauder's VillageBeautopiaFish ParliamentMO CoGuardians of SunshineIceberg LakeTree Trunks Apple OrchardVault of Bones
Harry Potter World
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryQuidditch PitchHogwarts Boat HouseGreat LakeClock Tower CourtyardThe Chamber of SecretsChess CourtyardViaduct CourtyardDiagon AlleyGringotts BankHogsmeadeGrimmauld PlaceGodric's HollowThe Ministry of MagicLittle WhingingBudleigh BabbertonCrystal CaveForbidden ForestThe BurrowWeasleys' Wizard Wheezes
The A-Team World
Downtown Los AngelesA-Team HeadquartersAirportAirport RunwayLagoonSun and Moon EncampmentB.A. Baracus' GarageVeterans HospitalMurdock's Hospital RoomFace's Apartment BuildingOil FieldStorm DrainLighthouse (The A-Team)Trailer ParkHigh Security Stockade
Mission: Impossible World
PragueCIA HeadquartersBiocyteShanghaiRomeWind FarmSydneyBiocyteSevillePrague EmbassyPrague Safe HouseXitanIMF Field Agent Training Facility
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial World
California, USAE.T.'s SpaceshipForestThe SuburbsConstruction SiteElliott's HouseBMX TrailRiverQuarantine Quandary
Ghostbusters (2016) World
New York (Ghostbusters 2016)Ghostbusters H.Q. (2016)Aldridge MansionMercado HotelHiggins Institute of ScienceTimes SquareChinatownSubwayWest EndFirehouse (Ghostbusters 2016)
Gremlins World
Kingston FallsKingston Falls Town SquareDepartment StoreKingston Falls High SchoolKingston Falls Leisure CentreBilly's HouseMrs. Deagle's HouseCinemaNew York (Gremlins)Chinatown (Gremlins)Mr. Wing's StoreClamp Trade Centre and Retail ConcourseKate and Billy's ApartmentSplice O' Life
Sonic the Hedgehog World
Green Hill ZoneTails' LabAquatic Ruin ZoneLava Reef ZoneChemical Plant ZoneCarnival Night ZoneIce Cap ZoneDeath Egg ZoneSandopolis ZoneMetropolis ZoneHidden Palace ZoneEmerald AltarLabyrinthEmerald CoastMarble Zone
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them World
New York (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)Magical Congress of the United States of AmericaGoldstein ApartmentJacob's ApartmentSteen National BankDepartment Store (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)Fleury's Fancy FaunaCentral ParkTimes Square (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)Port AuthorityLiberty IslandThorne TowerSecond Salem BuildingThe Blind PigCity HallDesolation AlleyArid Animal HabitatsArctic Animal Habitats
The LEGO Batman Movie World
Gotham City (The LEGO Batman Movie)The Clock TowerThe Botanical GardensGotham City Police DepartmentArkham Asylum (The LEGO Batman Movie)Wayne Manor (The LEGO Batman Movie)The Batcave (The LEGO Batman Movie)The GalaLexCorp (The LEGO Batman Movie)LexCorp LabsGotham SquareEnergy Plant
Knight Rider World
Las VegasKnight EstateCalifornia HillsSpeedwaySmall TownGarthe's Secret HideoutBright Light CityCanyon
The Goonies World
Astoria, OregonThe Walsh ResidenceMikey's AtticFratelli's HideoutCounty JailThe Goon DocksGoon Docks BeachGoon Docks MuseumInferno CaveThe InfernoShipwreck GrottoGoon Docks BeachPipe RoomPirate CoveMoss Well GardenTriple Stones Copper BonesTangle Weed Cavern
LEGO City: Undercover World
LEGO CityDowntownLEGO City Police DepartmentFestival SquareBlackwell MansionLEGO City Fire DepartmentKings CourtBluebell National ParkBright Lights PlazaConstruction YardFort MeadowsApollo IslandBlackwell's Secret BaseBlackwell's MoonbasePagodaFrescoFestival Square Revisited
The Powerpuff Girls World
TownsvilleThe Powerpuff Girls HousePokey Oaks ElementaryTownsville City HallRainbow LandPickle MuseumTownsville ParkTownsville VolcanoSilico IndustriesPlaza Del ToroMonster IslandMidway Elementary SchoolPuppy Island
Teen Titans Go! World
Jump CityTitans TowerH.I.V.E. TowerJump City High SchoolThe CaveInfinite SpeciesWacka Doodles Amusement ParkThe Brain's HQJump City Juvenile Correction FacilityFabulous
Beetlejuice World
Winter River, ConnecticutGraveyardMaitland HouseSaturnNetherrealm Waiting RoomTown Model
VortonFoundation PrimeMystery DimensionJoel McHale's HouseThe Shard
ved LEGO Dimensions Battle Arenas
Adventure Time
Pillow FortPillow Fort After Dark!Breakfast Kingdom
Harry Potter
Hogwarts Quidditch Arena by MoonlightHogwarts Quidditch Arena
The A-Team
High Security Stockade
Mission: Impossible
IMF Field Agent Training Facility
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Quarantine Quandary
Ghostbusters (2016)
Connection Dimension
Splice O' Life
Sonic the Hedgehog
Carnival Night Zone
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Arid Animal HabitatsArctic Animal Habitats
The LEGO Batman Movie
The BatcaveThe Batcave (Joker Takeover)
Knight Rider
Bright Light City
The Goonies
Shipwreck Grotto
LEGO City: Undercover
Festival Square Revisited
The Powerpuff Girls
The City of TownsvilleThe Stormy City of Townsville
Teen Titans Go!
Training ArenaParty Arena